the housing should be silver…and the headlight glass material is maybe too dark or something…make sure headlight glass is of the correct IOR (use google to find IOR of glass) and make sure it is 100% transparent.
Also, the sunlight is still too concentrated I think. The background looks like moderate temp area like maybe uk on a sunny day and the car looks like sahara desert level sunlight…you need to make the sunlight less concentrated…If you’re using a plane, increase plane size and reduce intensity…
The headlight casings are silver. But, like in a real bugatti, the headlights are actually partially sunk into the body, so it gives them a darker appearence. Second, the glass of the lights is supposed to be like that, because on the other side is a reflective surface.
And, looking at the other images, i think the sunlight is just right, as there are no clouds in the sky, so the light is way less diffuse.
I have a side view now on the first post, and a different view without a background as well, check them out!
ur right, the headlight is good…it just wasnt looking good in low res, i opened the full res and its really good. good work. except the right one (in the pic) has somee light in it but left one doesn’t…its probably reflected light. I’m not sure if that should be like that.
And one more little thing, I was noticing but couldn’t exactly figure out what it was…the black paint is not reflecting the same as the orange paint, do something about that as well…
I’m not sure why , but some how even though you’ve improved it alot, the car is giving a need-for-speedy look…maybe smoothen up the surfaces a bit more?
and those edges that don’t look good on low subsurf, you’ll have to fix them, there’s no other solution…there always will be a very very slight fault on that part even at high subsurf level…
The low subsurf edges i’m talking about are smooth curves, they’[re just ok on a low level, but they look a lot better on a high level. If you see any obvious problems with edges, can you point them out?
Right now I can’t see anything wrong…it looks pretty good. maybe post more angles?
Also, why not separate the different body parts and apply different subsurf levels as needed. Its better that way and you have lower poly, lesser rendering time…and post some more renders in maybe different color schemes? plus rig the spoiler
When you model a car like the Veyron you run into the iisue; They are not all the same. So if you want an accurate model, pick a specific example, and use that as your only reference (as much as possible, of course
I am new to this world myself, and you have come further than me, so I can only say I like your work.