Bugatti Veyron

This is my first attempt at a car, and i decided to take on the Bugatti Veyron.

Rendered in Cycles, and composited into the backplate in GIMP.

HDRs and Backplates are from, from user exidge.

I’m open to critique, and i’ll change it, but i’m considering this done.

I’ve addressed almost all of the critiques that i’ve gotten. I hope that it has improved it.

let me know what you think!

Check out the full hi res images at


Overall I think it’s well modeled, but I think the wheels need some love. In the first 3 images, they don’t look like they have any materials on them. Also, I think your lighting is a little too strong and from the wrong directions in at least the 1st and 3rd shot.

The tires bug me. So do the rearlights. So does the fact that somehow, the mighty Veyron looks rather like a coupe in the first 3 pictures.

Camera posing may be off.

Bottom line, great potential for Forum Gallery if some anomalies can be fixed.


I think you might want to tool around more with the colors and shaders. I feel like its a cartoon. Its physical appearance is very similar to the Bugatti. Keeping working on it. Cars take awhile to make especially a Bugatti Veyron. Work on the wheels some more. Other than that it is a good start.

Thank you for all the critiques!

I’m going to work on the wheels some more today and re render. Perhaps i’ll try to tweak the car paint as well, although for the life of me i just can’t figure out what’s wrong with it.

Thanks again :smiley:

Other than what’s been said, the composit doesn’t sell the image; it looks fake.

Nice model and the paint looks ok; you havn’t sold the scene as a whole. It loks like you’ve added the car to the picture.

Try rendering the various parts all within blender and compositing within blender too.

How does this look for the rims?

I’m working on the tail lights, and i set up a new lighting setup.

Here is a reference i have found, have a look at the lights, they arent as tall…you can clearly see the casing inside them with 3 clear lights, the outer most being tinted yellow.

Look at teh grill aswell, its alot darker.

The back airvent things should be darker aswell…

Windscreen wipers will help… also putting in a proper interior will also help. Door handles should be a metal aswell.

Something is off with your proportions, the side mirrors should be mounted at front of the door AND at the corner of the window… your window, seems to stretch too long… so theres a problem there. Either the body section is too short, or the windows are too long… Not to mention the absense of the frame for the roof. you dont seem to have that at all…

Hmm yeah i see what you mean. I’ll tweak the model.

Take a look at this reference, the roof isn’t entirely framed off, and the mirrors are at a different position that the reference you showed.

In addition, the headlights are way different. Either way, i need to work on the head lights.

I think these are different models or something. Are you sure the one you showed is a photo, i remember seeing something like that on an nvidia exhibition (i think, maybe wrong about that)

You raise a pertinent point; you ask is it real…

Well it looks real, it’s convincingly real. The car clearly occupies the cobbled-road section. There is nothing in that image that suggests to me it isn’t.

The differences could easily be down to differences in models.

The thing that got me was there’s no grill where the vent to the door is, i think in most veyrons, there’s that vent.

Woops, i forgot to include the reference. fixed now.

Nice, there are just a few things that make your renders appear unnatural/unrealistic.

The car just doesn’t fit in the back ground, for a few reasons. The most obvious is that the bg pictures are shot with wide aperture and thus ground blurred at the front, however, your car appears perfectly sharp. Also the tiny greenies growing through the tarmac look a bit too big compared to your car’s scale.

Then there are the materials. Firstly the rubber on the tires should be a lot darker? Then most of the time rims should be glossy. Good looking car paint is always a bit of tweaking around… Now I think it looks a bit too light and plain. You could try mixing a bit of rough glossy underneath, make the colors a tint darker/deeper and maybe glossier still.

I hope you are able to improve :stuck_out_tongue:

I literally just fixed everything you mentioned. haha.

It’s nice to have a fresh perspective. Been working on this thing for months now, so i got kind of tired.

I fixed the roof, the windows, headlight shape, and worked on the rims some more. Let me know how these changes look! :smiley:

Alright, i finished with the comp, and i have the final image for the mesh changes.

I added some more interior, changed the headlights, and relit the scene.

best one so far…!!

also, one tip, either reduce light intensity or move the light further away from car cuz the way it is right now , the paint is getting tooo white from the light, it shouldn’t be that white…

plus raise the roughness on the tire material, it should be duller than it is right now, although you’ve improved it…

Changed the reflections and the glossiness, as well as what you suggested with the tires, the roughness is up to 1.

looks much better now…

plus the weird curve thing in the center of the bonnet/hood, your is too prominent close to the windshield, it should be that prominent. Its a modelling fault. Make the bonnet flatter close to the windshield.

How does this look?

even better…

now some more angles, so we can give more advice…

you’re improving man ! very good !