Building a better eyeball. Now with Tutorial !

Lol, i cant believe it was this thread which got me started on UV mapping.

snooze ya lose

I WANNA SEE!!! This was before I even started blending. I wants teh AIBOL!
Wehe, sorry for necroposting xD

Thank you fans!

I’ve had to move the tutorial as I changed ISP and forgot it was there!

Here it is for all who want it. I promise some time in the next 6 months, I’ll do a new series including a whole new procedural eyeball texture.



Thank you!

Mwahahahaha! Necroposting has won the day! Thank you Ammusionist! I gravel before your feet.

Yeahhh!!! Thank you very much

The file seems to be damaged, is there another link?

Well, that’s weird. Never had any trouble with that uploader before. I’ll try uploading it again sometime today.

I try to load the tutorual, but he website said that there was an error…

Does anyone have a link to either the tutorial or the Blend file?
all the links in this thread are dead.

To anyone else looking for the tutorial:

Found an html version minus the screenshots here:

Really dont want to post on such an old Thread, But i was wondering if anyone has the pdf for this tut? im using the Noob to pro wiki version, but it doesnt have screenshots and the UV unwraping part is all new to me. so i dont fully understand what im supposed to do. but i love the eye and really want to make it.

Thanks, and sorry for posting

I’m sorry to say I don’t but there are many tutorials available for UV mapping including many videos on youtube.

Also, just as an FYI it’s customary, when needing data from an old thread, to start a new thread linking to the older one. it removes the need to necropost and the risk of bumping outdated techniques.