Ok so I’m making a building and I’m designing the hallways etc. I am still really new to blender. So I’m just winging it and I’m not sure what is the right way or wrong way. Anyways I’ve doing retopology adding where I want doors and hallways etc. Also with patience centering and scaling distances between vertices.
The idea is that when I extrude these up it will create my doors and hallways and not have an unneccesary amount of subdivisions in the floor. If I need more later on I can easily select them and subdivide or loopcut.
I still need to figure out how to texture the floors etc… I’ve made tatami and hardwood type textures in Gimp. That’s really the only thing I can see that this might mess up or end up being a big waste of time. (not really a waste since i’m learning how different tools work etc as I go on :D) Will it create problems when I get to that? This is what it looks like right now:
Is that the bmesh branch you’re using? If not, you have to remember Blender doesn’t support n-gons and your mesh is non-continuous. The various pieces happen to align, but they’re in fact ripped apart. You can see that by grabing a vertex from the middle of a wall and moving it around. However, since these are nothing but simple walls that you won’t be beveling or subsurfing, it may not affect you in the end. So I guess it’s a sound approach, if a little messy.
one trick when dealing with flat surfaces like walls, is, to seperate ( split ) the bits that are more high poly from the lower poly bits. since everything is flat, you only need the edges to line up to give the illusion of a solid surface. the command to split is ‘Y’.
Ok, well I think I fixed that problem by creating extra vertices and edges. However, now that I’m extruding my walls upwards the normals are getting all messed up and highlighting them recalculating them isn’t working well for some reason… any way to fix this?