Here is a bull frog I have been working on. I think I am getting a little better with normals and bump maps. Any suggestions on this?
nice job !
I think the two legs at the front look quite square though, but still, well done on the texture.
Thanks for the kind reply. I did kind of get lucky with the texturing. I am not intirely sure of what I am doing. I’d love to buy a good book or see some more advanced tutorials on texturing. The trial and error method of learning seems to be taking for ever. Any body know of some good resources?
what software did you use for the highpoly and normal map baking?
This shows how I gnorant I am, I’m not sure I quite understand the question. I jumped between photoshop and blender. I used an image I found on the internet to model the frog and then also to uv map. I used photo shop to adjust the image for better uv mapping and then a texture for normals. It just so hppened the imaged worked well with normals to give the frog some nice bumps. The third image is the one I used for normals. Thanks for your interest, artefon. What do you think?
it turned out nice. the reason the front legs have an angular appearance, is that there is a series of narrow edge loops right next to a wider edge loop.
I found a good tutorial on normal mapping. I feel like I am getting pretty close with the frogs texture. that do you think? Next, I am going to work on the environment, This one is just thrown together. Any comments or suggestions?
this render came even better!
Keep up with the wips
I have been working on this enviroment for my frog. Today I made the texture for the tree. I am quite pleased with it, so I thought I’d post this render and see if any of you have any comments. I may rework the ground texture. I have plans for a more interesting pose for the frog as well as adding some leaves and other plants to the scene. As always any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.
This all looks really good. I think your sky could use a little more work though. Good job overall.
Thanks Mr. Jameson, I did work on the sky, but then blurred it out with some dof. I think I am almost done with this project. I am going to try and improve the water by increasing the real world size a bit. Also I want to make the bugs wings transparent. I just now noticed I need to work on getting rid of the crease under the frogs chin. I am hoping to post my next render in the finished projects forum. Does anyone have any suggestions or comments before I do? I would love to make this better but am out of ideas.
frog needs SSS
nice environment
Looks promising:eyebrowlift:
A few crits:
-The grass needs more yellow tones and mabe a bit more irregularity.
-Roots and tree are a bit too smooth, try some displacement
-Grass should propably hang over the eroded edge and there should be some kind of upper layer with moss and grass roots.
-the motion blur should be curved, I think there was an option for b-spline interpolation in the vector blur node.
Good luck;)
Nice work.
You seem to have some “sunlight-direction inconsistency.” The tree-bark says that the light is coming from five o’clock but the topline of the bank says “no.” Maybe a little gobo on the back-light to suggest sunlight filtering through the trees behind. (You can composite that in, without re-rendering the whole thing.)
Thanks for all of the great suggestions. I am going to work on quite a few of them. The first I am having trouble with is the vector blur curves. The curves are on in the last render I posted and what I am seeing that I don’t like is, the wings appear to go in a straight line when in reality they arc. I can not make them arc using the vector blur curves, on or not. I can make them arc using the mblur in the render panel, but then when I defocus the wings disappear. Here are my nodes rendering without the mblur. the second image is with the mblur. The third is with mblur and defocus. I like the second image but need the defocus for dof. Any help? Anybody?
I also like your enviornment, but I also have to say honestly that your bullfrog is so beautiful that it could look awesome in a smaller enviornment. Your normal mapping and texturing could be appreciated more in a smaller area too, like on some lilly pads or something. Very nice bullfrog, I’m going to have to learn this so it’s nice to see such great results, thanks for posting this.
All right, I think I am done with this and ready to post on the finished projects forum. Does any one have any more suggestions. While I am ready to move onto something new, I also want to make this as good as it can be.
I’ve learned that the “good as it can be” is a never-ending process. Everytime you do a render, you find some other small detail that could be improved. And it never ends. So just work at it until you are satisfied with it. It won’t be perfect, because nothing ever is, but as long as it’s good enough for you, then it’s done.
This frog looks amazing though! You’ve done a really good job on texturing, even if you say it is “by accident”. I think you should look at displacement maps instead of only normal maps. I was about to explain it to you, but a picture speaks a thousand words. Here’s the same object, but the left has a displacement, and right has a normal on it. The displacement actually moves the vertices, so you get a much more realistic appeareance.
Thanks Wehrdo, I have experimented with displacements with little success. I will look into it more in depth. Do you know any good tutorials that might save me some time? I learned tons about normal mapping during this project. maybe I can do the same with displacement mapping on the next.