Here’s a bulldog model I finally finished. Texturing was done back and forth in Blender paint and Photoshop. The texture in body and legs could be better though, I was a bit lazy. Rendered with Octane.
Here’s a bulldog model I finally finished. Texturing was done back and forth in Blender paint and Photoshop. The texture in body and legs could be better though, I was a bit lazy. Rendered with Octane.
that is a beautiful model dude, i would love to see that in iclone.
Clay renders:
Excellent model, the head is brilliant. The vestigial ‘thumbs’ should be tucked in closely to the rest of the foot, they look a bit freakish floating out there like that. Look how they are on a real bulldog. http://www.petplanet.co.uk/dog_breed_profile.asp?dbid=15
Very realistic model, and good texturing!
Looks great !!!
I noticed on those wires that there is a few 5 point poles… none the less some great modelling.
Well done!
I like how you modeled it, you should try and do a animation on it.
wow thats amazing
There’s something funny going on with his eyes and fingers, but either way, this model looks real good
Like the Bulldog model and just curious, is this your first attempt and did you make bulldog models only? Can you make French Bulldog model?