Bump map getting squezzed

Hi, I’m trying to get bump map on model. The problem is that bump map id getting squezzed on sides of cylinder. I’m using blender 2.80, it’s just Principled BSDF with bump map from generated texture.

Here’s the screenshot:

Is it somehow possible to do it this way, or do I need to load external bump image to fit to UV map?

Add in a “Texture Coordinate” node and try plugging “generated” into vector input of the noise texture.

Looks like you have seams on your model, did you unwrap it?

That’s because you have object transform on your model. Always apply loc, rot, scale before texturing. (Ctrl+A in object mode)

Look in the top of the Mesh properties… there’s a Texture Space tab that allows you to set texture coordinates… turn off Auto Texture Space, and set the size XYZ to get a non-stretchy texture.

@strapazie Yes, I’ve unwraped it. Tried all possible ways unwrap, smart unwarp and all kind of projections, but it didn’t helped. But this “Texture Coordinate” works, but not on “generated” but on “object”. Thanks for help :slight_smile:

@helluvamesh To say the truth I’m not sure. I’ve created cylinder this way (by setting it’s depth and radius on creation), created bevels on edges, and then added two inner circles (e -> enter -> s -> 0.8 -> enter way :wink: ). After all this I started adding materials. Do I need to apply transformations after this? Does blender treat creating cylinder with starting non-standard depth and radius as scaled?

@yogyog Thanks. I just missed it while serching for answer. I had z scaled to 0.1.

So thanks everyone for help. It seems that there are two ways- set texture coordinates for generated texture to object or set z scale in texture mesh to 1 :slight_smile:

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