Bump map remove pointed tips?

You can “blur” the texture with some noise.

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Hmm … that is very performancy heavy. Maybe there is another way? Thank you anyway.

You could try map range with smootherstep after the ramp and adjust the from min, but on 3D voronoi it’s a bit more unreliable than on 2D voronoi. Also be sure to adjust bump distance to the same value you would use for displacement.

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Or use ease/b-spline instead of linear in the color ramp node.

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No, I already tried that. It changes nothing. Thank you anyway for your answer.

Thank you! It worked. But I had to increase “From Max” too.

Do you know how to fix that (sharp edge inside hole)?

I often end up with problems using any type of curve interpolation.

As for the sharp edge, did you adjust the bump distance to what you would setup microdisplaced scale? I don’t know what I’m looking at or the scale, so maybe share the file.

I think it is ok with these edges. In my render, the wine cork is small and far away, so the viewer shouldn’t notice that. I look forward to publishing the finished work soon!

If you think about it, your initial distance of 1 reflects a one meter distance between black and white driving the normal (or displacement). That sounds very out of scale for a wine cork.