I created my textures as always in Substance Painter.
I imported them in Blender and with Eevee they didn’t give any problem, as they present smooth and how you would expect.
Once I switch to Cycles this is how the bump map presents:
I have no clue what causes this as in the Height map everything is smooth.
I can’t find any solutions for this, please help.
In the material settings, do you have bump and displacement enabled?
No I only have Bump
Try changing it to bump and displacement and see if that fixes it.
I tried earlier today but it didn’t fix it
Is your image texture set to non color data?
Yes it is
What did export the bump as from Substance? Is it Jpeg, PNG?
It is in PNG
8 bit or 16 bit? if 8, can you try 16 bit, and see if that works?
Where do I see which one it is?
If you right click on the image, and go to properties, and then details, it will say bit depth
Also, this might be helpful: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/181294/why-does-my-displacement-look-jagged-cycles
It says 24
Can you show us how you’re plugging the texture in?
What about texture filtering?
It says linear
So, it might just be the strength value being 1. Normally, this has to be lower. Also, if your map is a displacement, I’d set the midlevel to 0 and not 0.5, as for some reason, unless they fixed it, the mid value in Blender, is not .5 - it’s 0. From my experience, at-least.
I’d also do the original bump and displace from my first comment too, as you generally should if using actual displacement.
Try setting the filtering of textures to cubic, it smooths the pixels more than linear.
Also, do you need both the displacement and normal textures? They have the same purpose and if you are not using actual displacement, I would cut it and use only the normals as they will look cleaner.