Bunch of Grapes

I have started work on some food models for a scene I am hoping to finish in the next week. It may be a bit more ambitious than I first thought…

I think this is as far as I am going with the material on these right now.

Here is an earlier version that turned out more purple and not really what I was going for.


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Looks already quite nice, but I think that the grapes themselves are too dense. Your version looks like all of them are attached to the main twig, but usually you still see the little twigs, that originate from there.
You can see what I mean here: https://www.openfotos.com/pictures/green-grapes-6429.full.png
In that image you can see between the grapes and recognize the individual twigs.

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The grapes are too clean. Normally they look like they are covered with dust, even when washed.

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Your image did not load :frowning: I know what you are talking about though. Here is my primary reference image I went off of. This particular bunch is pretty dense. However, I am realizing now that their depth is not uniform.

Yes. I had attempted to achieve that effect at first, but ended up unable to get it even close. Do you have any pointers that do not involve other software?

I’m sorry, but I’m a total beginner with Blender. I just commented from my personal artistic view :slight_smile:

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I totally get it! I have actually figured out a little more on how to get the scuzzy look while texturing a pine cone. You can see what I’m doing with that here: Pine Cone

A few other assets for the same scene.