Burning a Flag

How many of you think that burning a flag should be legal?

I think that a flag is just a stupid piece of cloth and that people can do whatever he/she wants with it… Of course I also think that the US shouldn’t place such a status upon a stupid peice of cloth either…


You took the words right out of my mouth.



Why should you burn it then in public ?

sure, it’s a piece of cloth that symbolises something, but it is still just a piece of cloth.


fire at demonstrations isnt good at all, because of the danger, panic, the cops … :roll: - but burning a flag is a case for freedom in speech :wink:

I think that a flag is just a stupid piece of cloth …

Ok then look at the picture above again.
Alright now. Weather you’re for or against it, what kind of feeling does it give you? Would you have the same reaction if it were a picture of a
burning sheet? If not then it probably means something more to you, good or bad.

It’s not the object but the symbol that’s important.

And the measage taken by seeing it burned in public.
It’s a measage of hate. It disrepects those who served and died under that symbol to protect, among other things, our freedom of speech.

As far as the legal issue goes, Actually I’m not sure I would have respect for political symbols be compulsory under law, I would rather that not be necessary. But having said that, I hope that those who would engage in things like flag burning realise that you never insult a flag but a people.

While I don’t engage in flag burning, if a group feels that the current US government is ineffective they have the right to protest in any way possible. I voted that it should be legal, but only for freedom purposes. It is a public hazard, though, so if anyone wants to outlaw it on grounds of public safety then I would not oppose.

Personally I believe that the US government puts too much emphasis on symbols. If a bald egle were to build a nest in the oak tree a couple of feet from my house my family would have to move out to avoid disturbing the eagle. If you have a flag pole and fly a Christian flag above the American flag you face fines.

The last year I went to VBS my church got in trouble when my friend and I were flag bearers. I carried the Christian flag, my friend carried the American, and we had a kid carrying the Bible in the middle. We went up the aisle with the American flag on the right (considered the place of honor) to the congregation, but instead of crossing over before we faced the congregation we stayed the same so that the Christian flag was on the right when we turned.

Now it was a religious ceremony, so why shouldn’t we put something symbolizing God in the place of honor? Yet we still got lectured over it.

Incidentally, the picture of the burning flag had the same effect on me as a burning sheet, but if it would have been a Christian flag I’d be studying up on viruses right about now.

Why did the european press and diplomatic corps blow a collective head gasket when Rumsfeld referred to Germ/Fra/Belg as “Old Europe”? They were just words.

well if you know the historical significance of ANY flag then you may decide that they are infact just a piece of cloth.

in historical times it was important to know who was entering your harbour for trade, you were not allowed to trade without a flag showing who you were and this flag could basicly be anything you wanted.

the Maori of New Zealand (the natives here) began trading in early days.
this was before a country had officially been created under the monarch.

well they didn’t have a flag when entering sydney harbour, so needed to improvise.

hence the first flag used by a New Zealand trade ship was infact just a woven flax cloth.

TRADE was the only reason for a flag, as a sybol for trade it is somewhat out dated.

so political significance has been attached to them.


i agree with alltaken
it’s people that have made flags important. to me, as a patrotic scot, a flag dosen’t reall mean too much. it’s other things like haggis, kilts, bagpipes and deep fried mars bars that are important because they show our culture and who we are.

yeah deep fried mars bars. Mmmmmmm


Flag burning is a way to show an opinion about the government. Nothing wrong with that. Strange, though…burning a flag doesn’t bother me the least bit–I even took part once during my rebellious youth %| , however, what does piss me off are these people who plaster the flag on everything. Flag coffee mugs, flag shower curtains, flag dresses, flag boxers, and flag towels. Flag towels? Yeah, dry your peter on the American flag, but try to castrate someone for burning it. Does it really matter what it’s made from or used for? It IS a symbol, but I consider it hypocritical to wear the flag and profess freedom of speech while hauling a flag burner to jail. Okay, I’m done now. Thanks, I needed to vent. 8)

well said merc!!!

I think it definitely should be legal, because it is a form of legal expression. Now if it’s dangerous, I would be concerned (like by an oil pump?) but it’s definitely a Constitutional infringement to ban flag burning. Personally, I frown upon it (with any flag, American, Brazilian, Mexican, Nazi…). A flag symbolizes what people believe in (though as we’ve just proved, some people don’t care, but this is for the people who do - uh, yeah :slight_smile: )


Why should you burn it then in public ?[/quote]

If I decide to burn a flag to warm myself, why not do it in public so everyone else can defrost their hands too?

It’s by pure generosity. :slight_smile:

This ain’t fair, why should Iraq be allowed to burn my flag and own AK-47 with out a permit ? I see some bias in this country.

makes no sense

but then again it was a joke so hey it doesn’t need to.


Are you married? If so, then go tell your wife your ring is just a stupid piece of metal. Then come back and let us know her reaction :wink:

yep i agree its the value people put to it.

but the flag to some people has huge value, while to others (even americans) it may not.

like your wedding ring has no meaning to me, but it does to you.

so its all perspective. just as i see no value in the US flag or the japanese flag or the australian flag, or even my own flag. i feel some ownership of my flag but realy it doesn’t mean much to me. (damn i hate our flag its so ugly LOL)

i feel a stronger connection to the colour black, or LOTR.
than i do to my flag.

i agree it has meaning, but to whom does it mean anything?
