Buster Sword Details

I figured this was a better sub-forum for the question so i’ll move it here. What would be the best way to create the little piece of details that I’ve circled. I used a cube and extruded along the pattern, adding a subsurface modifier at the end. I figure they might be a better (more neat) way of handling this and was wondering if anyone could give any help.

Here is the reference image

Use bezier Curve to create the parts.
In Bezier Curve Data. add some Depth and Resolution (Available in Geomtery Header).

Offcourse, this is only practical for render or animation, not for usage in Game engine, as it creates lots faces.

I’d use a cylindrical shape with the patten applied via bump map. Just model in the ridge at the top and bottom edges.

Could you very do it and show me the result you get using the reference image? just a very rough result will do!

Well… just draw your shape using Grease pencil and starting with one edge of added plane Ctrl-click way through ornament. Connect edges, make some loopcuts and grab z faces.