.BVH export animations from Blender 2.83 not working

Hello, long story short: I need to export .bvh animation from Blender to 3Tene.

The .bvh structure (hierarchy) and Bone naming convention is pinned down, but 3Tene keeps rejecting the .bvh files SOLELY exported from Blender 2.83

If I export a .bvh file from Motion Builder the file is correctly read and plays back the animation inside 3Tene. No problem.

I did this “motion builder” workaround with someone who had motion builder installed. I don’t have Motion Builder installed. The 30 day free-trial could be a solution, except I already installed it on my win10, TitanX graphic card 32gb ram system, and the interface simply WILL NOT LET ME CLICK THE TOP MENU BUTTONS, and basically it feels like a giant overlay stopping me from clicking anything.

My options?

I went back to Blender 2.74 (the time the .bvh exporter seemed to work), but it will still not export the .bvh correctly to 3Tene

ROOT>SPINE>(then whatever hierarchy that comes) plus having the ZXY rotation checked at .bvh time of export have also been cleared to cause the error (these settings were applied to Blender’s bones). No results either.

Please get pretty technical-detail as far as you can in this answer because it astonishes me to read the .txt file of any .bvh accepted by 3Tene and that it is accepted, and when I compare it to the .txt (bvh) file from Blender, the only difference is that Blender ADDS 1 TABULATION before all the bone hierarchy, but the MotionBuilder only adds 2 WHITE SPACES before the bone description.

Everything else with location and rotation coordinates is 99% similar.

This is the short story of 8 frustrating hours of research on how to get .bvh animation into 3Tene (steam software application install for 3d motion captures). 4 Hours of those, with back-forth testing .bvh files from Blender to Mobu to .bvh ->3Tene->Error
.bhv->Mobu animation->3Tenee->Imports correctly.

Please help.

Export settings 2.83

I am

hierarchy from 2.74 (testing to see if 2.74 .bvh exporter works well ONLY)

I exported in 2.74 and at least this time it didn’t reject the file in 3Tene.
But please, could anyone help me with this issue?