I am trying to get my bvh files from my kinect running in blender but I am stuck at some strange behavior.
I am importing a model from make human and want to assign the motion capture with mocap tool.
I have scaled down the bvh rig to fit the existing make human rig and I link the bones to each other.
When I hit retarget the make human rig is getting twisted completely.
I have tried to change the constraints by hand but nothing works.
I also have tried another bvh file which you can see in the attachment.
After I tried several other options and all possible space linking’s I found out that the bone roll is turned around 180°. So if I connect the two armatures the feet for example is twisted 180°.
Before you apply a BVH rig to your rig, you should always turn off your IK constraints. After re-targeting you can turn them on one by one and see how each of them affect the bone then make any necessary adjustment. Most of the time you need to change the bones "world space to local space but some of the bones will not require that kind of change. So if things don’t look right then leave it as local space.
This is one of those problems that are hard to provide a solution to because it can be a whole variety of reason and fixes involved. and don’t hit re-target just check and unchecked the advance re-target option. look at the rig when you do this. you will notice your rig will suddenly change its pose to match the bvh rig.