BVTKNodes gallery

FYI I’ve just upgraded BVTKNodes to version 0.7, which includes refactoring of the core and update system. To celebrate this release I created the attached small Eevee animation of the cubeflow_isosufrace example tree, showing animation of constant pressure isosurface value. Thanks to developer thomgrand, it is now possible to animate many node properties using the Global Time Keeper node. There’s also other updates previously done but not advertised, which I’ll add to the What’s New section in the docs.

Since this refactoring has been a major work, it’s expected that some bugs are left behind. Please report them in the github issues page if you find some!

Here’s the animation: isosurface_anim_01.mkv (870.4 KB)

and here is the modified part of the cubeflow_isosufrace node tree:
