BWC: Battle Of Britain

So can anyone point me in the right direction for a simple motion blur tutorial? all thr ones i have found are for Games.
ive played about with the Mblur button in the Render panel, but cant seem to get the right result. i only want to make the props look like they are moving.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Ah, ignore that, i figured it out. :slight_smile:

After looking at some Paintings i have decided to move things about a bit to create what i think is a more interesting scenario move appropriate to ā€œa moment in timeā€. id love to know what people think.

As im sure you can guess, its my first time seriously using particles, so i know all of that needs improvement (if i can do it in time!:no:)

I know that this isnt really a serious competitor for the BWC, but im learning soo much just by taking part, and so im gonna just do my best and represent the Blender n00bs among us :P.
Any serious crits, or pointers would be nice.

Biggles; Thanks for pointing out that cloud maker thing, i havent tried it yet (as im sure you can tell) but i certainly will give it a try.

Does anyone know a nice simple fire tutorial for the engine damage?

Hey, no prob.

Do you have shadow enabled?


I dont know. :o

This is why motion blur doesnā€™t cut it for me. This particular aircraft has five blades on the prop instead of three, and they almost rotate fast enough to fill in the gaps. Butā€“and hereā€™s the killerā€“you canā€™t see the prop at all. Everywhere in the arc, the blade seems to be transparent.

You can tell, by the lack of motion blur anywhere else in the photo, that this was taken by a very high speed camera. If you were looking at this plane with the naked eye, youā€™d just see a few circular white semitransparent rings.

I see what you are saying, but my pic is based on those fantastic paintings you often see in old Vets houses. They have the motion blur which still allowes you to see the props themselves.
The main reason i did it this way instead of the transparant disks is simply because the props are so close to the camera that i wanted them to be seen well.

Ill have a play about with them later if i get chance and see if i can make it a bit more realistic, but right now im trying to make the engine fire (a lot) better because i think that the crappy particle setup i have now ruins the whole thing. and im certainly running vout of time.
(not to mention the ground texture and the horizon :frowning: )