BWC- Castle


Here’s my entry for the bwc, and with submitting it in with only 2 hrs left, I was not able to do all the things I wanted :p. I was going to originally have 3 states that it was in, a construction stage, a “at it’s height in history” stage, and a falling apart stage, however I had to settle with different times of day ;). Anyhow, here it is, and hope you like it.

hey otto riis, great work.
i really like the whole idea of the three different parts of day. The lighting is really well done and the textures on the rocks looks awesome. Good luck in the BWC!

Each of the lighting models are very nice and convincing. However, so much of the image’s emphasize is on the center panel, that any qualities the other lighting models might have provided is diminished.

Everything else is very good. The structures look amazing.

Fantastic, though I think the last panel looks more like sunrise, and the first more like sunset. Your original idea about the decay of the building would be so good, but what can you do with a deadline :wink:

P.O.C.: Thanks :).

+peter: I was originally going to make the center panel bigger than the other two to help get a 2/3rds effect going, but I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t ;), but I see what you mean.

blenditall: Now that you mention it, it does :o. Guess I should have upped the red in the right and increased blue in the left.

Have you been to Hiroshima? there is a castle very similar to this, with the bridge and moat etc,

all a reconstruction of course though :frowning:

Good model anyway.

No I haven’t been there, but I modeled this from a bunch of visitor photos taken of a particular castle there, though I couldn’t find the dimensions and stuff.