[BWC] Musical Fruit - finished!

I would have been posting the progress of this image but I haven’t had access to the internet for a week.
I’m calling it a wip because there’s still 2 months until the deadline, please if anyone thinks I need to add or remove something from this image then don’t hesitate to say so, but I don’t want it to turn into a Where’s Wally scene.

note: due to technical reasons my DA page has been destroyed :frowning: so thats why there’s no images in the first couple of post.

Haha it took me a few seconds to realise what was happening but very funny! :slight_smile:
If you can try adding some green ‘gas’/smoke around the toilet so its easier to recognise just whats going on.

Hey it’s Odeas again :slight_smile: Are you the only one who likes Funny Cubs? :frowning:
I’ve added a glare to to the gas cloud/bomb, I think I’ll try adding mist seeping over the toilet lid and onto the ground.

I added streams of mist seeping over the lid. I like it but I’m not sure if I prefer it:confused:.
Anyone have an opinion to which is better?

Well I suppose I should submit my final image sometime or another so here it is.
If anyone has anything to comment or critique on then please do so because I’m gonna be bored for the next 46 days :spin:

note: my final entry is lower down

Hey, very nice! I prefer the one without seeping mist, it’s a bit more calm IMHO.
Nice colours! I especially like the green. Hmmmm, greeeen…

You should tweak the piece of toilet paper sticking to his foot a bit. Took me a moment just to figure out what it was :stuck_out_tongue: It looks a little stiff and static. And maybe you could also make the clown’s expression a bit more extreme. But overall, nice!

I tried to make the paper on his foot look a bit better but it didn’t work the way I wanted.
I also added a lattice to help stretch his face out a bit.
click here to see image

Well the time has almost come. Only two days left before the entries close.
I’ve seen some really good works come out of this competition so best of luck to everyone whose entered.