C.O.C SQUAD Animated Series

3-4 Years ago my Nephew and I decided it would be funny to create an animated series based on some weird cockroach drawings he did as a child that he called 'COCs’:sweat_smile:. It has gone through many different iterations and art styles. At one point it had a pseudo 3d look and was done entirely in Blender, but it looked a bit off. Over the last six months we’ve settled on doing the backgrounds and vehicles in Blender and the characters in Moho.

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It’s based on early 90s action movies and cartoons, The movies Showdown In Little Tokyo and Hard Target were particularly influential. It is set in 1992 and so a lot of the humour and themes reflect that.

We recently launched a Kickstarter to try and get some funding to finish the first episode in a reasonable amount of time (It’s half done). I would love to know what you guys think of it.

More info available at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cocsquad/coc-squad?ref=et2zj4