
Sculpt based on art from amazing artist @antonlubich.


Looks good! Really captures the feel of the original work. :+1:

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Thanks a lot!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Yes it does, but I had to dig a little to be able to see that – I’d really prefer a direct link to the original work rather than just a mention of the artist. It makes it so much easier to appreciate the interpretation if I can see the original right next to it.

Here’s the original on Behance:


And also a liitle “behind the scenes” :wink:… (clayray/wireframe) or a view from a little different angle is always nice… ( you know: nowadays people not just apply filters on original art but also use not their own natural intelligence :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: … no insult intended )…

Funny detail… yours is more political correct :no_smoking: ? Or just… coincidence ??


You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Here is turntable with clay render if you are still interested.

And talking about cigar, its just coincidence :roll_eyes:

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