
Hello everyone! Here is my latest personal proyect.
My main goals with this was to improve composition and lighting.
Hope you like it.




other info:
-the house is based on this proyect:
-the big rocks and branches are from megascans


Thank you! :smiley:
That scattering looks amaizing, nice work! It’ll sure save me a lot of time, I’ll let you know. thanks again! :smile:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Whaaaa the top row contains so much epic ArchViz. For a second i thought it was a series done by the other “Cabin in Wonderland”

Well done Sir! Scenery really make this scene look so nice

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Excellent composition! I’m usually wary of placing the subject in the center, but there’s enough asymmetry in the house and the background to keep it from looking too static. Also love the generous amount of context you have created.

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Thank you! what a coincidence the two cabins haha

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Thank you! Yes you are right about that. I think placing the cabin in perspective and also the image ratio helps with that.