What would be the best 3d modeling software that has capabilities of a CAD like program as well as strong non-destructive nature like blender has with it’s modifiers? Is there such a program? I assume it would either be modo or cinema4D. I doubt it would 3DS Max or Maya.
What are the capabilities you are looking for exactly? “CAD” covers quite a field of different things.
Other than that: Last time I looked, MODO was all about destructive modeling, so, unless this has changed radically, you can safely cross MODO off your list. Ever thought of Houdini?
Thanks IkariShinji, glad we’ve cleared some things here. I was quite sure modo was very powerfully when it comes to these things.
Kind of quit MODO with 701. I think they’re slowly adding things like “deformers” into the software, but this is still very away from any kind of non-destructive workflow.
If you want to go fully procedural, Houdini Indie might be your cup of tea. But be aware of a very steep learning curve.
Still not sure what kind of CAD capabilities you’re after. Is it the NURBS? The 2D tools? The precision?
If you mean BIM-objects like Archicad has, parametrical, Freecad can read them but I dont know about edit. You can also import .ifc models to blender but you’ll lose edit option for parameters but you can edit them normal way in edit mode. http://www.blendernation.com/2015/02/28/bim-file-importer-ifcopenshell-0-4-0-has-been-released/
The precision and the 2D tools are mostly what I would like to see in a traditional 3d modeling software. Guess I’m going to wait for Blender 3.0 and in the mean time I’ll see what I can do in current version of blender.
What about Fusion 360 ? In my opinion it’ s easy to use and very powerful, at least for non-organic shapes.
You can use it “freely” if you are not generating more than 100k $ a year.
Bear in mind the mesh output from Fusion is CAD style, not really easy to be edited in Blender.
Fusion 360 has no more the free version, only a trail or paid subscription are an option.
Previously i was using the 30days trial, right now just signed up as a start up or enthusiast since i’m using it as “training”:
Get Fusion 360 free for 1 year if you are non-profit or if your business makes less than $100K a year. Renew as long as you need it.
That as is written in the renew options.
Ohhh, thanks man. I consider this thread solved.