CAD Like transform

The snap to grid option in CAD Transform actually is a kind of “working plane”, it depends on constraint origin, forward and up vectors.

In move operation, it allows you to create a working plane over a face using any scene vertex as origin.
This grid is adaptive so in ortho mode precision increase when you zoom with more depth levels than vanilla blender’s grid.

So maybe i could allow to create “world absolute” constraint, using eg shift+c, and perhaps a custom grid where z axis of plane is aligned with world 0,0 but still using face / edge rotation to align the plane so the grid origin will remains constant and still not locked to absolute world location to allow kind of absolute grid but with random altitude / working plane.

Stephen, ty for the explanation, the “working plane” makes sense (especially for dry aged modo users) and is effectively a great addition.

“So maybe i could allow to create “world absolute” constraint, using eg shift+c, and perhaps a custom grid where z axis of plane is aligned with world 0,0 but still using face / edge rotation to align the plane so the grid origin will remains constant and still not locked to absolute world location to allow kind of absolute grid but with random altitude / working plane.”

Great idea!

But would it be possible for you to activate an absolute grid snap by holding just down, e.g., the ctrl key? This in combination with the zoom function would be perfect…

Will include this in next release.

shift+C set “Global” constraint to absolute world.
Any change in the constraint plane (shift+xyz), is a toggle from local to global, so if your grid is local press shift+xyz again.

This allow 2 behavior in move mode

  • G, shift+C, snap and start to move, enable snap to grid G will snap at altitude 0.
  • G, snap and start to move, shift+C, enable snap to grid G will keep altitude.

In rotate/scale mode, you’ll be able to rotate/scale about world center.


This sounds great, thank you!

pushed CAD Transform 0.0.9 beta on gurmroad (download link in first post).

  • Allow to scale reference image
  • Duplicate objects (mouse wheel / up - down arrow / D + enter amount on keyboard + enter)
  • BugFix constraint inverse when snapping to normal
  • Add constraint toggle order in preferences (local / global or global / local)
  • Support for isolate mode (will no more snap on hidden objects)
  • Add “World constraint” (shift+c) allow absolute grid placement about world, rotate/scale about world - basically set the global constraint to world
  • Support for 2.91+ API change : scene raycast
  • Support for 2.83+ API change : color management of widgets

In order to use “World aligned grid” (shift+c)
G/R/S + snap and left click to start action, then optionnaly shift+z to keep altitude, shift+c, and g to snap to grid.


Thank you very much, stephen_leger!
This addon is really outstanding!

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That align UI, is used by this addon, althought the interaction is not as good.

Any way to multiply and divide the mesh. Array is option but we cant divide. For example if we have a 10cm plane and i want to add 16 cube of 1cm. I have to manually adjust the array. If we have the first and last cube and multiply and divide we can a correct dimension of cube equally distributed. It is similar to sketchup. Here is the video. Anyway to add an option in the addon. Or any other simple way to add and divide array. Thanks for the beautiful addon.

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Good morning. I’m trying to scale a reference image to match a line of a specific dimension but it doesn’t scale the image. Any tips you can give me?
Thank you!

Start a scale action, click on one point over the image (reference 1) do not move the mouse and press shift+z, then move pointer and click over 2nd point (reference 2), then either enter a value for desired size between ref 1 and 2 or move your mouse so distance between ref1 and ref2 match the needed one.

Sorry, but I really cannot. Tried several ways but it always return to scale 1,1,1.
Could you see what’s wrong, it you don’t mind?
Thank you very much!
Mota.blend (3.6 MB)

Thank you for your help, but I cannot scale reference images.

This is a 0.0.9 feature, on images object’s scale will remain 1,1,1 scale factor apply to image “size” parameter.

Ok, it’s explained why I could not do that. Was using version 0.0.8.
Thank you again!!

It this addon not supporting 2.9+ version. Cant find addon in the list.

Works with 2.9.1.

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download the 0.0.8 version and work for me. Thanks

You should download latest version from gumroad, 0.0.9 is available.

thanx for the much awaited update

@ Stephen_leger,

Your add on is become part of my workflow now. Thanks you very much. One thing I have notice is that since the add on is live in the property panel, you can activate only one tool at a time; is it possible to have it co-exist with the blender snap panel, so the new primitive tools can make use of your snap tools.

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