CAD Like transform

Constrains follow the current transform orientation global or other, what I would like is to input distance+angle, which I think is not possible, if I understand you correctly.

Something like the following would be really nice and familiar to architects/engineers:
In the above example you can toggle TAB to input distance (8.15m above), angle (22.90°)


How to use the D - Duplicate feature? Normally we duplicate with SHIFT+D or ALT+D so what is the difference? When should I hit D key? I’ve read the forum and saw you answering one of the users that duplication should be done before transform. But when I just activate CAD Transform and hit D, nothing happens. The object is not duplicated.
By the way, is there any documentation yet besides youtube tutorials?

You need to press G first, then select your starting point and press D. Once you press D just type the number you want and press enter. Now you will see the duplicated objects.

Edit: oh and CTRL+Mousewheel should work too after you select starting point.

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Released CAD Transform 0.93.0 today

  • Blender 2.93 compatibility
  • Snap to bounding box (shortcut D)
  • Bugfix snapping in camera view
  • Bugfix snap to curves / isolated vertex / edges
  • Moved tool icon right under regular blender’s transform tools

Download from gumroad


Hi Stephen I just tested it and I got an error:

2.93 Release with 0.93

Work fine for me

Disable old, restart blender, setup over and enable.

ok thanks are you using Windows 64 ?
I first tried to install 0.91 it didn’t work so I realized it was not the latest version so I desactivated and cleaned it. Then I tried to install the 0.93 and still the same problem. Maybe the addon kept something in memory from the first installation try…

ok I try again

Ok it works now and I think it was the PieMenuEditor addon that was in conflict… It might be due to PME trying to desactivate the panel while CAD transform addon try to create it :thinking:

Thanks for your quick help guys!

I just got started using this, and came here to ask for Bounding Boxes as a snap target, and… imagine my surprise when those were already mentioned! I spent ages looking around the interface seeing where they were, and then I see you just released an update. Fantastic!

Could someone clear something up for me? I’m trying to do the first action with Vertex constraints, but when I found out the Edge constraint automatically chooses the closest vertex as a pivot it seemed like it’d do the same with one less click, but… what seems to me should produce the same result is not doing what I’d expect at all!

edit: I also wonder if Duplicate would be possible? So just Ctrl and Alt-D in the Cad Active Tool?

Additionally, a ‘Put on’ action, meaning: movement and rotation at once. It’s something I find myself doing a lot manually, and these tools would really help a lot!

And I’m sorry to keep asking , but: I really need scale to remain,but even with ‘Apply Scale’ off my mesh always gets reset to 1x1x1.

When you setup a constraint, either by edge or the regular way, CT either use the edge you pick as x axis (with closest vertex as origin), then try to keep y axis horizontal, and z axis perpendicular to both x and y.
So it does not always fit with your needs.
In the first situation, (nearly vertical edge), you must set the rotation axis to “Z” for “vertical” edge.
When using horizontal edge the start angle is perpendicular to xy plane so you don’t have a good “from” to be able to rotate this object.

Duplicate is possible in array like fashion, spreading objects along the transformation, by using d+enter amount, ctrl+wheel up/down or up / down arrows.

On code side, basis operator provide the 3 transform operations at once, but is not that practical as constraint / origin will always remain the same unless you set another constraint while running.

CT does always apply scale as it is the only way to actually scale objects along arbitrary axis (not aligned with object’s one) and even blender does not support well scaled objects with modifiers. The need to apply scale also turn out to be one of the most troublesome issue for newcomers.

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Personally I’d be fine with a setting that limited what CAD Transform could do in Object Mode so the scale would always be kept, as I do really rely on it a lot.
So only x/y/z etc… whatever’s necesarry, and anything else could be done in Edit Mode

As for the Face to Face operations I asked for:
The tutorial linked up there actually goes into this! Mixing Normals with another constraints actually does what I wanted, so that’s great

Blender 2.92 here and CAD Transform 0.93.

The duplicate feature doesn’t work in edit mode. Is it a bug or was it just not implemented yet? Are there plans to add duplicate feature in edit mode too? It would be great.

Also, I noticed a strange thing with rotation.
When I pick a base point on a horizontal plane, then rotation axis automatically goes vertical - that’s OK. But when I start from a non-horizontal plane, I have to hit Z a couple of times and sometimes fiddle with the axes for a while to lock rotation axis to Z direction. I thought it was enough to hit Z once. I cannot explain very well this behaviour because I don’t quite understand it.

Constraint keys (xyz) are toggle between local (object’s space), global (world space), custom constraint axis and none.

When setting up a constraint, snap to the origin, click to set constraint origin and keep mouse pointer so it still snap to the same point, press shift+z to limit other axis to the xy plane then move your pointer around to choose reference direction. This way your z axis will remain vertical.

In preferences you may choose wich constraint is the default one (global / local) when starting.
Duplicate is not implemented for edit mode.


Thank you for the explanation. This tool is really advanced!

I hope that duplicate in edit mode will be added in the future :slight_smile:

Hi I tried this addon but I couldn’t get the vertex edge or face mode working for some reason. any reason why?

In order for snap to work, you have to enable cad transform tool in tool tab, then start a transform operation using a shortcut (g / r / s), once running you may enable / disable snap modes using shortcuts.


CAD Transform 0.93.1 for blender 2.93
CAD Transform 0.93.2.beta for blender 3.0


  • Allow to choose shortcuts for main tools in blender’s preferences shortcuts.
  • Default to box select when not enabled.

The beta release for blender 3.0 completely remove bgl module calls, as this module is depricated and will be removed soon. Implementation using only gpu module was quite challenging task.