Would anyone be willing to lend me there talent and conjure me up a model of this.
Florida, Disney Tower of Terror. ( exterior shell only needed)
I’m working on a 3D environment in a game engine…and my particular modelling doesn’t stretch to the level you need to create this beautiful architecture
i think that building is quite easy to make actually… just really time consuming. you dont have to keep everything as one object, feel free to add individual objects for each part.
like, first make the base shape, then add things that sticks out like window frames etc.
All I need is a somewhat detailed model. I can texture and do the rest…I just need the outter shell. I suppose it needs to be fairly detailed as players would be running by and walking up to it and such.
Do you happen to have a more detailed pictures?. The trees make i hard to see what the bottom is like, and some corners aren’t visible form those photos. Do you also want the “hollywood tower” logo on it?
If you could once someone has been accepted for a project, mark the thread as Solved. Communication related to the actual work of the project should take place via PM or email (or perhaps a WIP thread in the Artwork forums).
I’ve taken the liberty of doing it for you. In the future, if you want to mark a thread as solved, you just need to edit the original post, choose Go Advanced, and you should see a drop-down menu for Prefix. Change that to Solved and save and you should be good to go.