Calling operator "bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf" error

I can’t get the GTLF export to work with Python scripting.

repo steps:

Open Blender (I tried 2.8 and 3.3)
Select “General” template
click on “scripting” tab
click new (to create a new script)
paste this code:

import bpy


click run
click Window → toggle system console
see this error:

Error: Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “\Text”, line 3, in
File “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.3\3.3\scripts\modules\bpy\”, line 111, in call
ret = _op_call(self.idname_py(), C_dict, kw, C_exec, C_undo)

You’re missing a parameter for your operator.

Great! What do I need to add to the code above to make it work?

the parameters?

I’ve read the documentation. The only required parameter is the filepath. Can you please either answer the question or stop replying?

What do I need to add to the code above to make it work?

No need to get huffy, I have answered your question, it’s linked in the StackExchange post. To quote:

You are passing a string into the function instead of the actual arguments.

In your case, I would assume you need


Looks like that doesn’t work.

The first parameter of bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf is the filepath, so specifying the parameter name isn’t necessary in Python (as is the case with most computer languages) also, “filename” is not a parameter of bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf. filepath is a parameter, and I tried that, but I still have the same error.

Have you tried reproducing the failure?

It looks like there were a couple of problems.

  1. Even though the first parameter of bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf is filepath, it seems that it needs to be specified. (Which is not the way Python normally works) It looks like there is a wrapper that requires parameters to be specified in bpy.ops.

  2. the default working directory doesn’t seem to allow write access. To fix this I specified an absolute path.

import bpy


Had you read the link that was first posted you’d find an explanation of why it is necessary to specify the argument as a keyword argument.

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Absolutely incorrect. The first unique parameter of this operator is filepath, however all operators implement the bpy.types.Operator class, which specifies three parameters that come before everything else: undo, execution context, and context override. Thus, the parameter filepath is required.

I would recommend reading the API documentation.

let write this command in your python console and you will teach the function:

>>> bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf
bpy.ops.export_scene.gltf(filepath="", check_existing=True, export_format='GLB', ui_tab='GENERAL', export_copyright="", export_image_format='AUTO', export_texture_dir="", export_keep_originals=False, export_texcoords=True, export_normals=True, export_draco_mesh_compression_enable=False, export_draco_mesh_compression_level=6, export_draco_position_quantization=14, export_draco_normal_quantization=10, export_draco_texcoord_quantization=12, export_draco_color_quantization=10, export_draco_generic_quantization=12, export_tangents=False, export_materials='EXPORT', export_colors=True, use_mesh_edges=False, use_mesh_vertices=False, export_cameras=False, use_selection=False, use_visible=False, use_renderable=False, use_active_collection=False, use_active_scene=False, export_extras=False, export_yup=True, export_apply=False, export_animations=True, export_frame_range=True, export_frame_step=1, export_force_sampling=True, export_nla_strips=True, export_def_bones=False, optimize_animation_size=False, export_current_frame=False, export_skins=True, export_all_influences=False, export_morph=True, export_morph_normal=True, export_morph_tangent=False, export_lights=False, export_displacement=False, will_save_settings=False, filter_glob="*.glb;*.gltf")

Here are the options of this function!