Heya, ive been working on alot of games wich im trying to make my friends enjoy, but none of my games seems to be intressting for them
Then i was bored on day and made a very simpel game
A 2D Oldschool sidescroller Wich i called “Camel Walk”
The game was very simpel, Runt to the blue cube, dont fall out of the map, and dont touch any enemys.
And for some reasson this game was played alooot by my friends…
The game was insanely hard and almost impossible to get trough the last 2 levels. and i guess the challange made them fored to play to complete the game (wich they never did) xD
and after a while they asked for more, so i made a new game
Camel Walk 2
This game had a dedicated Multiplayer server wich you automatecly connected to right away. so you could see other players playing.
There where also a several Bonus maps. These maps where hard but if you completed them you recived a permanent costume, like the Crown, Flag, Shoulderpad or the cloud pet (wich follows you) and other players could also see these if you had unlocked them.
Now im gonna try to take this to the next level
Im gonna try to do a Camel Walk 3 MMO RPG
In this game you will be able to do special Missions, earn gold, farm gold, buy armor and weapons, and also pvp in a Arena.
We’ll see how this will turn out to be