Camera Clipping plane problem

I’ve set my camera clipping plane to the highest it can go and you can see from the non-camera view that my scene isn’t THAT large. I can not figure out why my geom is getting clipped in the camera view.
Is there a “display clipping” control somewhere?

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check if your in perpsec or ortho mode
if in perspect adjust cam idstance to scene

if in orhto change the cam scale

should work

happy bl

Clip end for view port is set to 1000 by default so you can see the scene in viewport but for camera it is set to 100 (by default) so you have to just change the clip end of camera from 100 to some higher value to able to see the scene in camera view.

…and if doing that, also move the near clipping plane further away, to reduce the range of depth values and avoid possible z-fighting issues.

Ah! That’s what I was looking for. Thank you!

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