Camera following path and tracking an object snaps into place and rotates 180 degrees

Like the title says I am having a camera follow a path. It is tracking an object also following a path. On the last frame (121) they both have 0 on X and Y, but the camera has a higher z value.
On the same frame (121) the camera snaps into place and is rotated 180 degrees from what I want.
I assume the problem is caused by the camera being directly above what it’s tracking but I have no idea how to fix it.

Is this the problem? How do I fix it?
Google drive link to video
Blender 4.3.2

The first thing to do is check the motion in the graph editor.
Or it could be a problem because it’s aligned with the target.

Other causes cannot be identified by video.

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From what I can tell the graph is not the problem
Just_a_guy.blend (2.0 MB)
Here’s the blend file for you to check out

I will say that moving the camera to a different point while focusing on the same object does not seem to cause the snap and 180 turn

Invalid path setting for the target.
The target path must be longer.

dada.blend (916.6 KB)