Camera is really really small and resizing it doesn't stick

I’m having a weird issue in that when adding a new camera I only get a tiny small camera even if my main object is 5 cm and even if I resize doesn’t really help as when I try to reposition to my field of view by using Ctrl + Alt + 0 it gets resized again.

I think this is related to the measurement that I have as default:
Unit scale 0.001
Length: Millimeters

but I did try to change it to Unit Scale: 1 and Lenght: Meters and get the same result.

I’m also having issue when in Camera view mode and while the camera is selected, pressing G will only move the camera just a little bit so I have to move the mouse over my screen many times till I get a small change.

I’ve also made a video that will show e real example of what I’m trying to describe here:

Hi, seems to me like the scene scale is huge. Can you check the object transforms, see if they show kilometers ?

Changing unit scale isnt recommendable until you want the underlying computations to be adjusted cause you’ve run into floating point precision issues. Changing it for something like modelling a donut leads to all sorts of unwanted sideeffects. If you want to enter values in mm then just change the “length unit” not the “unit scale”.

Your camera has no “dimension” in the narrow sense so its size does no longer fit once you start changing the unit scale. It could have been treated differently, but thats not the case.

If you work with a mm unit scale, create and size your objects and change it back to meters then a 5cm ( 50mm) object will already be 50m in size.

I dont know the potential consequences to the camera when altering scene scale and unit values. I just wanted to offer a tip for navigating the camera. When you are in camera view, if you have the camera to view selected in the N-panel, (press N and look in the view tab) then you can select an object and go to View - Frame selected and that will target the cameras view to the selected object - I have assigned Frame selected to my quick favourites (Q) selections for fast navigation to view objects whether in camera view or not. A little off topic but can be so useful if you ever get lost in a scene or have a camera the size of an ants foot.