Camera lag

Does anyone know why the video would lag in the view port and in the final render? not sure if its because of the objects or the camera. Basically the video runs fine, but the objects are not clear. If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate the feedback.

I don’t understand the question. What do you mean by “lag?” An object that is “in motion” might not be “clear,” and (!) one must also consider what “video compression” might be doing to it. Many factors might be in play, but first I must understand exactly what you are referring to when you use the word, “lag.”

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Also, the simple limitations of a limited framerate and resolution might make a movement appear to be stepped (because it is, it’s how videos work).

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What should a do to fix this?

When I say that I mean that the objects are not very focused in. it seems to jitter up and down.

You might try making them move slower, or render with motion blur if you want to have fast objects (though that will blur them, of course, but it’s more realistic).

Try rendering at 60 frames per second.

Or as etn249 wrote, slow, motion blur. Ah, he already mentioned frame rate too.

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