Camera Matching

I have seen a few camera matching add-ons/scripts which will align a camera to a photo. They all seem to use parallel lines or a rectangle in perspective to achieve this.

Almost none of the photos I need to match contain rectangles or parallel lines. I usually do have survey points or laser scans of terrain. Does an add-on/script exist where I can chose points from the survey/laser scan and chose points from the photo to align the blender camera?


Hi Happycamper

I am not aware of any blender addons that satisfy your need. I wrote the addon for calibration with rectangles and I’m sure a calibration with surveyed points could be done. I could write such an addon, but I won’t have any time for that at least until newyear.


Sorry, just got this reply. Been working crazy hours. Part of the reason I was asking was to see if I would have to come up with one. That’s awesome if you have the know how. I am completely interested in seeing if you can do this.

Such addon would be super useful

I found an old one from 2008 by Mathias Weitz. It allowed you to mark points on a photo, and points on your object, and then move one set to align either the camera, or an object to match the photo. It was called “Camera Matcher”.

Here is a reference with it (with some earlier code).

The page it points to points to a forum that has more info (in German) and this youtube video:

Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but there is this addon:

Don’t know how I missed these but I’ll check them out. Thanks!

This is the one marcor created, who posted above. He mentioned he might be able to create the version I’m looking for but I’m sure he’s busy and hasn’t had time yet. Thanks!

I found the python for this and will check it out. Hopefully I can get it to work. Thanks for finding this!

Looks like the addon was written for 2.48 or so and the api is different now. Above my pay :slight_smile: Hopefully marcor can help us out now! :slight_smile:

is there camera update on 2.8 like vray physical camera properties, shutter aperture distortion,

Do you guys know any external application which could be an alternative to Blender addons? I saw someone posting about Sketchup camera matching and importing to Blender. Anything else could be used this way giving accurate results?

No, sorry.

I know, I’m a bit late to the party, but the Camera PnPoint addon might prove useful developed by RTstudios: