Camera orientation for compositing?

Is it possible to have information about camera in the compositing Node Tree?
I need camera orientation information, but I don’t know how to obtain it :s

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Hello !

So yeah it’s not possible by default, one way is to add a combine XYZ and drive their value by camera transform.

Which will probably fail if your camera is parented for instance.

What are you trying to do ? maybe that will sparks a different way to get to the same result ?

But drivers can work nonetheless !

I use a mist pass and I want to to use a gradient texture (I use a blurred box mask to do it) to mix it with the mist pass to represent light halo from a city. That work great for single image, but for animation with moving and rotating camera, the gradient should follow camera orientation.

My other option is to create a giant cylinder with gradient texture and to create a render Layer just for the cylinder and to mix it with the mist pass instead of my blurred box mask, but if I can, I prefer not adding a render layer.

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Hello !

Hum not easy indeed !
Since the camera is in 3D and the comp is in 2D it’s probably going to be even harder.

Good luck !

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