Camera projection with geo-nodes


I’m trying to create camera projection with geo-nodes to store image color on point cloud color attribute, but I’m not into trigonometry at all.

What I’d like to achieve is this:

But with geo-nodes - not on a shading level.

Please, help!)
gn_camera_projection.blend (1.2 MB)

This is the only one I have found…

4.2 with matrix sockets and the project point node

Nahh. I’ve found no tutorials at all unfortunatly.

Well, yeah… That’s already something… Maybe some thoughts on scale?

Thanks to @Hadriscus advise - seems I made it by combining solution above and shading nodes setup. And I’m happy about it!


Inside geo-nodes there are 3 drivers - to get camera angle and shift x/y for proper mapping. So to use in defferent scene - be sure to remap those drivers to scene camera.

gn_camera_projection.blend (1.3 MB)

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Matrices aren’t necessary…

…invert rotation does what you need.