So I was trying out Camera tracking for a future project. And I let Blender put the compositing together automatically with the “Set as Background” and/or “Setup Tracking Scene” Buttons in the Movie Clip Editor. When I rendered the scene, I discovered that the Background Layer (the one with the Ground for the shadows that are being cast) has these weird purple and green stripes across the image, which also show up in the final composition. I discovered this is only the case if I render on GPU (with OpenCL in my case). I also discovered that this doesn’t happen if I render that layer on it’s own by clicking on the render button in its node, only if I render everything with F12 or the Render and the Animation Button in the properties panel.
My Graphics Card is an AMD Radeon R7 370. The AMD Update Program thing states my driver is up to date.
So this is obviously a bug, but is there maybe someone who has had a similar problem who knows how to avoid this?
I don’t really want to use my CPU since it’s so incredibly slow.
Made a mistake in the thread’s title. It’s the Background Layer that’s causing problems