Campaign 2018: Join the New Development Fund

The blender cloud membership curve has been getting steeper over the last 12 or so days. I wonder if that is an effect of more and more countries going into quarantine and more people having time to give Blender a try.


Two years ago blender dev fund was only €5.000 per month :grinning:!! How things changed since then!!!


Over 7K Cloud Memberships now. That is 840.000 €uros per year.


Two more Corporate Bronze supporters:


A little company called Microsoft joined as a Corporate Gold. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I still get annoyed by Windows on a daily basis, but I have to admit that I like MS a lot more since Balmer left and the current CEO took over. They’ve been doing a fair amount of good
 just wish they’d stop trying to push Edge down my throat.

Somehow, with all these companies coming onboard, the funding doesn’t seem to be increasing. Every time I check, it’s fluctuating, and doesn’t seem to get much beyond $108K for months.

With the whole global pandemic thing this year, I’m surprised how relatively stable it has been. It’d be nice to see it grow some more, though.

Does the Dev fund tracker include Blender Cloud subs? It would seem likely that more individual money would be coming in through Cloud subscriptions than through Developer Fund donations.

Also looking at the page source on the Developer Fund page it doesn’t look like the tracker updates live, so every time a new individual or corporate sponsor signs up, somebody has to go in and update the page to update the progress bar and those hexagons, so I wouldn’t read anything into the numbers not changing much.

The Development Fund belongs to the Blender Foundation and the money is spent for development related stuff only, as far as I know.
The Blender Cloud is run by the Blender Institute/Blender Animation Studio. Some of the developers are hired by them.

Blender Fund and Blender Cloud+store are separate things

So yes, it does not sums up.

i guess that tracker counts money that is from posted transfers. And corroborative funding could be added by hand since they are appointed(?) individually. So its only more or less accurate.

I wonder if the money that goes to the fund from blendermarket sales is included in the fund counter.

Yes it does, check last member of Corporate Silver :

Well, Corporate Silver is 12 000€ per year but I think the little number indicating how much is going to the fund on the Blendermarket is usually higher than 1000/month. This month it is 16k but it is an outlier because of the “Giving Month” thing.

It could be that they have a Corporate Silver in addition to the monthly payments.

hmm, if they are made through donations then it is not part of fund so it wont be part of fund counter (see image of BF/BI incomes above)

$16,555.86 To be donated this month

The Blender Market is one of only 3 Main Sponsors of the Blender Development Fund »and« our built-in features allow Blender Market creators to automatically donate a percentage of their earning directly back to the Fund.

btw its nice from them to have that they are part of fund AND they donate percentage of their revenue.

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Unity joins top tier patron party:

And now fund is at 105,9k €/month.


Full press release:


amazing we finally achieved 20 full time developers!!!
from now we have nothing to fear ,blender its a monster!!

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Sweet! It’s interesting how the biggest contributors are direct competitors.

Look at Blender bringing people together. :smile:

Now we just need Apple to come in opposite Microsoft.