Can anyone help me?

Hi,I’m a newbie on blender i just have some problems on these

.Really hope experts can help me.Very appreciate.

I am not considering myself expert in any ways, however that circled red user interface part… You need to select cube icon first, then you have Closest available from dropdown, if that was the problematic part.

Sorry if this does not solve anything for you.

No reason to be sorry. There is only one actual question “can anyone help me?” and the answer is no, no one can until there is an explanation of what those problems are: what was tried, what was expected, and what happened instead. With visuals/file of course.

Sorry,my problem is how to retopo by using the sculpted object?

Sorry,the question is how to retopo by using the sculpted object?

Sorry,my problem is how to retopo by using the sculpted object?

Sorry,my problem is how to retopo by using the sculpted object?

well,you first need to enable the magnet tool by pressing shift+tab,and then change it from vertex to face by pressing shift+crtl+tab :).hope that helped :D.

That’s not a problem but a tutorial request.
First requirement for retopology is that you are familiar with the subject of topology. Not a small requirement.

Compared to that, different tools that can be used for retopo are easy to figure out. Basic principle is the same for all of them: Snapping new geometry onto the sculpted shape.
Different tools that can be used to do that:

  • Face snapping that is shown in your screenshot
  • Bsurfaces addon along with grease pencil in surface draw mode
  • Shrinkwrap modifier
  • Contours retopology addon from cgcookie
    or any combination of above.

Here is a list of tutorials that show examples on how to use those tools and some theory behind the retopology (start from the bottom).