Hi i been searching for a blend file or tutorial on how to do this type of smoke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZisI_sTnis8 . It would mean alot to me and be very useful, just cant seem to find someone who knows how.
it seems like they used a combination of particle system and smoke to achieve that, what I’m thinking is they used smoke sim for the fine dust that comes out just before and then with the larger puffs of smoke which seem like 2 particle systems, i’m not sure how the particles merge with each other if its just a shading technique or whats going on there.
Thanks for your reply, i think im getting close to finding the answer, I spent the whole day today fiddling with the particle system and learned alot. It shows that i never used the particle system often enough coz i see alot of stuff i didint know. I wil find the answer to this in no time thanks again
[SOLVED] Oh there, i got it. He used a Matcap on a Sphere and duplicated it using Particle system. So what we see on the video is not smoke(the white clouds) its Duplicates of Spheres that are Matcaped. How they fly around depends on the settings in the particle system. Took me all day to figure this out lol but thank u very much Samuraishi and those who viewed
so that animation was probably made with 2.49 which was before cycles, so I’m trying to figure out the material set up they used, toon material options was probably used and then by adding an intense light above like a sunlamp then using a low intensity lamp, in my test im using a hemi at 0.19 intensity, it seems to allow the shadow to match whats in the video essentially.
Here’s what I managed, I have 2 particle systems as in the video one is going solely along the z axis from a wind force field and the other is going mostly along x and y axis from a force field. Theres probably other ways to achieve this but atleast this is a start.
Wow thats great, and yes u gotta get the toon shading right otherwise your attempt also look real good. Thanks alot for your feedback, ive learnt alot today abt the particle system more than ever. Thanks again Samuraishi