Can Blender make a metal material that also pass through light?

I got a piece of plastic plate from a factory I work with,
they give it a coat that made it metal-looking
but also this piece can pass trough light(which the final product has a screen underneath,normally you can not see the screen,but when the sceen is on you can see the information through this plastic)
I want to create this effect in blender but have no idea how .
Do anyone have any idea?
Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Simply adjust the Rougness value of the Glass BSDF.
I think you can mix it with other shaders here to enhance the metallic feel.

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You can also use the transmission setting in the principled shader, for it to work set the material to partially metallic, full metallic will not work.

With the new principled shader use the general roughness for the transmission and a coat with low roughness to get the shinny surface.

Here the top light is a lamp and the bottom one an emissive sphere (so the light itself is visible)

TR.blend (120.7 KB)


wow, that is exactly how the product feels in the real life,thanks a lot!

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