Can emitted particle have it's own particle system?

Hi everybody,

I didn’t sleep few nights and I couldn’t find the answer, maybe you will be able to help.
So, I want to make particle system like fireworks: main object with particle system is emitting other objects with their particles, but second particle system don’t appear for me. Maybe you know what I’m doing wrong or just Blender doesn’t have such functionality? Maybe you could suggest how to work around this issue? I don’t think that dynamic painting is the case here…

I also have another very simple question. How to start emitted objects (duplicates) animations on their born (local time)? After the first particle animation other emitted particles is already animated… and I don’t want that :slight_smile:


So, I want to make particle system like fireworks: main object with particle system is emitting other objects with their particles, but second particle system don’t appear for me.
Use blender 2.49b, that was the last version with reactor particles, that did just that.

Thanks, I know about reactor, just was hoping not to use the old version :frowning: And what about second question? For example I want to make popcorns and seeds are starting to pop on different time… Have any ideas?

you could try this trick for forcing particles to emit particles, havn’t used it myself but these guys generally know what they’re on about and its for 2.63

First question. Do you want to emit a object with halo texture and have a particle system on that object? You can do that.

Thanks, I’ll try this, but as they say “its dirty little trick” :slight_smile: and I’m not sure if it will fit for me.

Yes it’s working with halo, but… i’ll show you with picture.

I want cube emitting Suzannes, which are emitting cones. If I change cone to halo, then it’s ok, but with objects it’s not working :frowning:

Anyone knows how to make such cube? :slight_smile: