Hello! I’m trying to use the Grease Pencil to produce very thin lines, like a 3D wireframe. Previously I was using Freestyle, but it was recommended that I use the Grease Pencil, since Freestyle is no longer maintained.
Unfortunately I’m having a hard time getting high quality thin lines with the Grease Pencil. If you compare Grease Pencil and Freestyle, Freestyle gives a better result.
Below is a render with the Grease Pencil. “Stroke Thickness” is set to “Screen Space” so that the camera doesn’t affect the line thickness. “Line Thickness” in the modifier is set to 1, the lowest value.
Notice that the lines are still somewhat thick, and that they “shake”, or flicker as the camera moves (especially vertical and horizontal lines). I tried adjusting the antialiasing settings but couldn’t get an improvement.
Below is the same render using Freestyle. Notice that the lines appear thinner and are much more stable — they don’t flicker as much when the camera moves.
I haven’t been able to get the Grease Pencil lines to appear thinner and with more stable antialiasing so long as “Stroke Thickness” is set to “Screen Space”. Even when set to “World Space” I get shaky antialiasing. My scene file is here:
GP Test.blend (1.1 MB)
Is there some technique that could give me results closer to the Freestyle line quality? Thanks for your help!