Can I relink textures/images?

If I move systems the paths for my textures get all screwed up. Can I easily relink just the textures that seem “offline” or “unavailable” rather than search through all the materials to find the ones that can’t be found?
Or is this a usefull Feature request?

Cheers D

I don’t know if there is an easy way to relink, but if you’re going to move files from one computer to another, why don’t you use the image packing feature that can be accessed through the UV/Image Editor window?

Scripts --> Image --> Fix Broken Paths

You can also set the path to images as relative instead of absolute, if that would help when moving the files between systems.

Thanks for both replies, great info. I am trying to reserve packing the file as I guess this would take time on each save. I hope this script is integrated as not all of the systems I run on have access to python. And I can’t seem to get it going on my USB stick for Blender to find.

Thanks Ysengrin, unfortunately that script isn’t bundled anymore but the wiki seems to think that it is? I will hunt it down and try it out. I wonder why it isn’t bundled?

Looking elswhere in threads turns out that the script is now a function. Wow I suggest a feature and BANG it’s there just like that! So now Blender must be able to time travel too, cool. :wink:
It’s in menu: File–>Extrenal Data–> Find missing files/Report missing files.