Can i use geometry nodes to place a collection of objects in a straight line?

Basically trying to lay bricks one after other in a straight line.

I used GN to place sparkles on a donut icing but it was randomly placed.

Good luck!

i think this will work for me. thanks

one question though. after im happy with the wall, what should i do if i want to edit the result manually. say use a boolean in the middle?

First, make sure you have a “realize instances” node near the end of for nodetree and apply the geonodes modifier.

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@SterlingRoth @zeroskilz

hey 2 more questions.

in the video he starts with a mesh line. is it possible to make use of another curve in the z axis?

say i make the first curve which will move in x axis for the brick wall to follow along. then i make another curve and shape it in a specific way along the z axis and then make it that the bricks, while it follows the straight shape of the x axis curve, also follows the specific shape of the z axis curve?

and second. i made a collection of 5 separate bricks.

so i added the collection to the instance instead of the cube he uses. but blender just lays all 5 types of bricks on each brick.

any way to fix this so that it uses just a single type of brick for one instance but chooses one from the collection randomly?

Sure… try experimenting with curve inputs.

Use “Pick Instance”

Good luck!


and i just flipped his idea of curve and mesh line. i made the curve go up in z while the mesh line give me the x axis


now if i can figure out a way to make the bottom slant flish with the bottom and middle straight plane then its perfect

as you can see, almost everything works as i want to, but the one issue is that along the mesh line, every single vertical line is being copied over and over. left to right all the bricks chosen by the instance stays the same.
is there a way to make sure that each mesh line chooses a random number of bricks? like all the columns are random and therefore different instead of begin the same?

To make the lines unique, put a Realize Instances node after the first Instance On Points.

Good luck!

yep thats what i ended up doing right after made this post. and i added a random value to seed