Can OCD addon make the rendering time a lot longer?

Hello, i’m currently working on a project on which i’m building an ancient city in ruins. To do so, i used the ocd addon on every blocks of my structures. I tried to render some images un 360° (the project is ment to be in VR), but it could’nt render anything. At first i thought it was the textures
so i got rid of them but it was still to long.

Is it just because of the number of objects in my scene or could the OCD (one clic damage) addon make i too heavy to render?

Thank you for your help!

Here are some screen shot of my scene.

How much RAM do you have?

What’s the poly count like for your scene, and what modifiers do you have on each of those bricks?

If poly count is high, and each individual brick has subsurf or displacement modifiers etc…then it’s not surprising that you might have difficult rendering it.

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I have 16 Go of RAM but i use a render farm so i dont think it is the problem.
I have one modifier per birck and it is the boolean of the OCD addon but i applied the modifier on every bricks. The bricks are simple cubes and the columns parts are just simple cylinder with a boolean applied to them.

I have not used this addon. But when I have a problem such as this, and suspect an addon or shader or whatever might be a factor, i disable it (not in the install, i mean I just turn it off in the scene) and see what happens. If performance improves, then I reactivate it at a lesser effect level (number of details, for example), and eval again. Doing this a couple of times is usually sufficient to determine what impact a particular thing is having on performance.

Okay i’m gonna try that, thanks.