Can one easily find/filter for an object/bone in the f-curve editor? (Blender 2.55)

I have a short, but quite a “busy” animation, so I have lots of bones, objects, shape keys, etc. in the f-curve editor.

The list of objects, etc. in the f-curve editor becomes very long - and cumbersome to find a specific element (see below).

Is there a way to easily filter/search for a specific bone/object/shape key, etc? To manually look for it is time-consuming, as it is in no particular order. I’m using Blender 2.55.

Maybe I am using it incorrectly?

(PS: I manually de-selected all the unused curves, so the image does not seem “busy”. The problem is to quickly find the things I need to select/de-select)


There are the filter buttons on the graph editor header. The one on the left (the arrow) just shows the curves for the selected object.

Aaah! Great stuff, thanks. I looked all over the View, Select, etc. menu buttons, but never at the arrow! Kind of a weird icon for a “filter”. I guess the arrow implies “show only the selected”.