Can shrinkwrap replace retopology?

Hey guys,

I know shrinkwrap will not give me a perfect topology out of the box but when it comes to characters retopology, why not just take a copy of an well retopologized model and wrap it over the model you need to retopologize as a starting point? Why would it be better to do retopology from scratch? Thank you.

Well, in some project I make a low poly base and then make a copy for sculpt in hi poly. for baking normals I utilize the low poly base model applied with a shrinkwrap modifier. Some time I need modify the topology of the low poly again for increase the adaptability and in some cases I need delete some part of model and create manually the topology face by face…
In other case just I think it’s more efficient to retopologize from scratch.

I’m not using blender for it, but for things that have reusable topologys I always start with a wrap and if needed modify it. I’m using zwrap for zbrush for it tough, which gives way better results than just a simple shrinkwrap.

I’m using zwrap for zbrush for it tough, which gives way better results than just a simple shrinkwrap.

Oh that’s cool. I gotta try it. Thank you.

Interesting. I really need to practice more retopology from scratch. The only problem is that it’s very time consuming to me.

Just something I forgot to mention before is that zwrap is yearly subscription license. The indie version is pretty reasonable if you make any income with 3d, but there’s a 30 day trial. There was a paid blender plugin that used cloth physics to do similar wrapping but iirc it wasn’t nearly as reliable.