Blenderkit addon dosnt work, “Deamon offline”
Are you using the latest version?
I don’t have the addon myself but if it’s using a deamon, there should be an option to manually start it.
Welcome …
…and of course this also could be a strangely formulated message meaning no connection to server
!? So… does it work now?
Or let put me that in other words: Where does this message come from ?
( You may have also had a look at docs.blender manualtroubleshooting… especially:
More logs can be obtained by running Blender from Command Line and using
--factory-startup --debug-all
to get some more info… )
Did you set up your account on Blendkit? And get your API Key from your account, and also paste that key in the add-on…
If any of these are not set ( Deamon) is the login to your account…
This message may turn on and off over the course of a Blender Session as your connection may time out or disconnect…but it will reconnect as soon as it can…
That seems to be just your connection to Blendkit web…
How do you connect to the site? Laptop, Desktop WiFi?
Could be just your connection timing out, or high traffic to the site ( I see the same on occasion) where the connection just times out trying to connect…