Can someone please exture this tank to make it look like it's real-life version?

Could someone please texture this tank to make it look like it’s real-life counterpart?

It has a gray, black, and yellow pixel camouflage pattern.!Ap6t_YOv62EQgxYdqQsRDXUa1RYE?e=JGQqQg

I think you made it well…
If the ratio is right, you will get the result you want.

I’m attaching a rendering image for others to see.


How did you get that grayscale render?

Try using both lighting and HDRI
(The image above used only HDRI. color management uses AGX instead of filmic.)

KF51_XX.blend (1.0 MB)

Autumn Ground HDRI • Poly Haven

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Are you going to texture it like in the photos shown at the top of this thread?

I think it’s going to be hard
sorry… :slightly_smiling_face:

Where did you get this model? Did you create it?

Did you get it from places like Sketchfab? Are you obeying the rules of the place you got it? Most of those places require attribution, links to the product, etc. The license might forbid distributing the model itself – like you did here.

This one from Sketchfab has that type of camo. You could get it, obey their requirements about attribution and use, and use it.

@oo_1942 You downloaded that file? Is there anything in it that shows where the model came from?

Model created by the publisher.
There is a link attached.

If the link doesn’t work…!AB2pCxENdRrVFgQ&id=1061EBAF83FDAD9E!406&cid=1061EBAF83FDAD9E&parId=root&parQt=sharedby&o=OneUp

@ Splododyne
Are you like the ‘Copyright’ Police ?

Just for fun - I put this together in 5-10 mins…


test texture

I’m just not sure how to ‘Combine’ - the Texture with Metal texture…

Ok, so I figured out how to make the texture line up - much easier… ( instead of bit by bit )

  • using " Cube Projection "…

Check this out !!

Now I just need to figure out how to ‘Merge’ that with the original Metal texture…

ok, stil not figured out how to ‘Keep’ the Metal… but I’m happy with this…

Well - “Sploo-Do-Do” May have a point…
The name on the front of the tank - confirms it…

But this tank is 1.2M Triangles, not 63k

I made this myself from scratch.

Rheinmetall is a German defense company that designed and built the tank, and not the name of the 3D artist of built the model.

That SF model has many differences: completely triangulated, things on the the turret not on this one, etc. I have some suspicions but the point of the Sketchfab link is that a model of this tank is readily available with the desired camo pattern. So why insist that others texture it for you?

I don’t have very much experience with making my own textures, and the camo pattern on this tank is unique.

With Cube Project - I was able to get good results… if you’re interested, I can send you what I have. I only did one side - as a test.

This is just a ‘texture’ - it has lost the ‘metalic’ texture… I’m still trying to figure out how to ‘merge’ both.

This is what I have…

Please texture the whole tank.



Let me know if you have any more jobs like this. - it was fun.

I have some idea’s how to improve this. ( Let me know if you are interested. )

  • A More Metalic texture.

Ok, just a Quick edit -
Set Metal to 1 - for the main body of he tank…

  • and set metal to 0.5 for the wheels.

makes a big difference…

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Thank you!!

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