Can´t reset rotation - Blender 2.8

HI, Im a blender 2.8 user. I was making a project with an object that now is slightly rotated in the Z axis and I don´t want that. I tried alt G but it remains the same; I tried by typing 0 in every rotation panel but still the same. Any idea about how to fix it?

Have you tried pressing “CTRL-A” and select “Rotation” to reset the angular position after setting “Rotation Z” to “0”?

This will set all current X / Y / Z angular position as Zero.

No, but that doesn´t solve my proble; I need to make the opposite.

In this case, try rotating the object’s Z rotation to a vetical position, and then press “CTRL-A” and select Rotation.

You either rotated it in edit mode (in contrast to object mode) or you applied the rotation. A possible fix might be to realign it with a suitable snapping option enabled in edit mode.

The issue is to rotate it perfectly

How do I do it? Can you explain me or link me a video that does it, please?

I haven’t touched Blender for quite some time and I am a bit rusty. But this is an outline of how it should work. Sadly, I cannot give all keyboard shortcuts or literal menu entries as I don’t remember them exactly.

  1. Add a plane in object mode. Position it, scale it up if required and/or rotate it in 90 degree steps.
  2. Enter edit mode of your object and enable snapping to faces. Select all verices and make one vertex of a an edge in a cardinal direction active by clicking on it last.
  3. Grab everything and let this vertex snap to your helper plane.
  4. Set the object origin to this vertex.
  5. Select all and make a second vertex of this edge active.
  6. Rotate around the object origin and snap to the plane. Limit the rotation to one appropriate axis.
  7. Move and rotate the plane and repeat the steps in order to fix the other rotations.
  8. Reset the object’s origin.

Hi lechuza,

you can try ROTAfix.

Welcome to BA @lechuza
The great people around already started helping you. I’m just moving your thread to Basics/Interface for a better fit.

Happy blending!

Thank you all, I`ve fixed it. Is the first time I use this forum and the answers were really quick. Also; this video helped me a lot, if you have the same issue: