Can you scatter points on a surface with Geo Nodes, and have a shader draw something in those spots?

So here’s Suzanne with some points scattered on her head using Distribute Points on Faces. Can I tell a shader where those points are and have it draw soft circles at those spots (with a size/falloff that matches the size/radius of those scattered points)?

Basically I’m trying to make a procedural freckle generator using Geometry Nodes, because voronoi annoys me and I can’t get it to do what I want.

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I dont know about geometry node but you can use ambient occlusion node and add colorramp for making soft gradient around intersecting object. for eevee you have to enable the ambient occlusion in the render can use the distance or colorramp for the distance

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Yes- try a geometry proximity or raycast + blur attribute + map range

Well your underlying problem is that geometry nodes works on geometry level. So you will need a really high mesh density to transfer it to the shader with a suffiicient quality.